Tuesday 15 June 2010

A pointless thing called blogging

Hello fellow bloggers!
I'm Pini, and welcome aboard my weird and wonderful comic journey of the world we live in!
If your wondering why I'm writing this blog, stop wondering because I haven't got a clue myself.
I used to think blogging was for old people with nothing better to do. Now, once I've taken a look on blogger, I've realised how right I was.
I, on the other hand, am not old, in fact, I'm young (we'll get to that another time).
On the subject of old people, over the past few weeks, I've been trying to come up with ideas of making money. Now, as a young person, I can't get a job at the bank e.t.c. And I don't want to sell lemonade, so I've decided to teach old people how to use computers.
When mentioning this to my Grandmother she said "Me! A computer! You must be out of your mind! Anyway, i'll be dead soon, so don't bother."
Well that's another money making idea down the drain.
Now don't get me wrong, I like old people. I just don't like the ones who moan all the time. They've only got a few years left anyway; why waist it on moaning?

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